Corruption Survey in Croatia: Survey Confidentiality and Trust in Institutions
In an attempt to explore the linkages between corruption surveys, underreporting corruption experiences and causes of reluctance to report corruption, this paper provides insight into solutions applied to mitigate the underreporting risks in surveying corruption experiences in Croatia. Based on the Survey on use of public services and public integrity in Croatia 2010, the issue of underreporting corruption is assessed with a two-fold approach. The study first discusses the survey methodology applied, where the main concerns were the willingness of respondents to report corruption and their perceptions regarding risk of personal data misuse. Potential reluctance to admit involvement in corruption as a criminal act might be driven by a fear of subsequent surveillance or investigation. Further, we investigate the concerns expressed by respondents regarding the misuse of data and about protecting anonymity. Survey data were used to analyze citizens' attitudes and reasons for (not) reporting crime to official institutions. The analysis focuses on reporting corruption experiences, both formally and informally. The findings show a very high level of citizens' opportunism and lack of public trust in institutions that might impede anti-corruption efforts in Croatia.
survey methodology; corruption experience; trust in institutions; reporting crime; Croatia
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Print ISSN 1330-0288 | Online ISSN 1848-6096