Designing Work for Mental Health: The Moderating Role of Job Resources

Karmen Dežmar Krainz, Josip Mikulić, Helena Koren, Ana Zavalić


The aim of this article is to investigate the relationship
between work design characteristics and employee
health outcome. Specifically, job resources (i.e. managerial
support, co-worker support and information
about organizational changes) were examined as
moderators of the relationship between job demands
(i.e. workload and lack of control) and mental health.
Following the job demands-resources model, and
by using partial-least squares structural equations
modelling, this study provides empirical evidence
that job demands are negatively related to employees'
mental health on a sample of 383 public transportation
drivers. Furthermore, as the results reveal, job resources
relieve the negative impact of job demands thus
providing an alternative for avoiding the health
impairment process.


work design; job demands-resources model; mental health; Croatia

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Copyright (c) 2019 Karmen Dežmar Krainz, Josip Mikulić, Helena Koren, Ana Zavalić

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Print ISSN 1330-0288 | Online ISSN 1848-6096