Implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies in Croatia: Proactive Motives and a Long-Term Perspective

Daria Maravić, Tjaša Redek, Tomaž Čater


The aim of this study was to develop a model that links the
motives, obstacles and expected outcomes of Industry 4.0
implementation. First, it aimed to determine the extent of use
of Industry 4.0 technologies and then to investigate the motives,
expected outcomes (short and long-term), and the relationship between them. Obstacles to the implementation of new
technologies in Croatian companies were identified. The sample
comprised 91 companies that had implemented new technologies by 2020. Data were collected using on-line surveying
tools. The results show that the surveyed companies are
considering new technologies for several proactive reasons,
and primarily stress the expected long-term strategic benefits
over short-term efficiency. The lack of human resources is the
most critical obstacle in the implementation of new technologies. The paper provides several managerial implications.


Industry 4.0; Croatia; regional comparison; policy-making; managerial implications

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Copyright (c) 2022 Daria Maravić, Tjaša Redek, Tomaž Čater

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Print ISSN 1330-0288 | Online ISSN 1848-6096